Air Quality Permit Program Emission Fee Appropriations Report 2019
This information is provided by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy to assist the public and regulated community.
Form #: 19-016 Reports Revised: 11/20/20


The Department of Environment and Energy submits this report to the members of the Appropriations Committee of the Nebraska Legislature, pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §81-1505.04, as amended. This report details all direct and indirect program costs incurred during the State Fiscal Year 2019 (SFY 2019) in carrying out the air quality permit program. The permit program is the result of the Federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA) and the passage of LB1257 (1992) by the Nebraska Legislature. The department is required to establish and implement a comprehensive operating permit program for major sources of certain air pollutants. The federal program is referred to as the Title V program. The State of Nebraska’s “Title V program” is often referred to as the Class I program.

Pursuant to the provisions of §81-1505.04, the department is required to collect an annual fee on the emissions from major sources of air pollution in an amount sufficient to cover the costs of the implementation of the permit program. The statute provides flexibility to develop and adjust the fee according to federal regulation or “as required to pay all reasonable direct and indirect costs of developing and administering the air quality permit program.” The State’s Payroll and Financial Center system is utilized to document time and resources spent on the program. The purpose of this report is to document the revenue generated from emission fees and identify costs associated with the program. In addition, as required by statute, this report identifies the costs incurred by the department to administer the program for each major source and each primary activity not specific to a major source. This report verifies that revenue generated from emission fees was used by NDEE solely to offset appropriate and reasonable costs associated with the air quality permit program.