001 Construction plans will include the following information:
001.01 The name or title of the project.
001.02 A vicinity map of the area around the project, with streets, highways, water bodies, and other landmarks shown, as necessary, to identify the location.
001.03 For sanitary sewer additions, the latitude/longitude location of the receiving manhole or furthest downstream manhole will be provided. For WWTF, the latitude/longitude of the head works or first treatment unit will be provided.
001.04 The scale of the drawings and a north arrow will be shown. The locations of soil borings, benchmarks, property lines, easements, and other datum will be shown.
001.05 The construction plans will include elevation, plan, detail, section, and supplemental drawings that, together with the specifications, completely describe the design of the proposed wastewater works.
001.06 Plans for upgrades to WWTF will show how the proposed project relates to the other treatment units in the existing facility. Projects to add additional lagoon cells to a lagoon system will show the existing and proposed control structures, piping, and discharge structures and identify which cells will be used as primary cells.
001.07 Plans for WWTF will include a hydraulic profile of the facility. Schematic flow diagrams showing the flow direction of wastewater, sludge, potable and non-potable water lines, chemical feed lines, and air supply lines through the treatment units will be provided for mechanical WWTF.
001.08 Plans for WWTF will show the normal high and low water levels of the receiving stream, the 100-year flood elevation, and the seasonal high ground water level.
001.09 Plans for WWTF will show the natural drainage ways around the treatment facility.
001.10 The location of all wells, water treatment plants, water storage reservoirs, and water mains in the construction area will be shown. Where a wastewater lagoon, lift station, or mechanical WWTF is proposed, all wells within 1000 feet will be shown. All wells within 50 feet of a proposed sanitary sewer will be shown. Community public water system wells will be identified as such.
001.11 Plans for lift stations will show the seasonal high ground water level and the 100-year flood elevation at the site.
001.12 Extensions or additions to sanitary sewer systems will show the location of the receiving manhole and identify the receiving WWTF.
001.13 Plans for sanitary sewers will include plan and profile drawings showing the continuous elevation of the ground surface, the station numbers, the pipe inverts at each manhole, and the diameter, length, pipe material (if specified), and slope of each sewer segment.
002 The specifications will include the following information:
002.01 The name or title of the project.
002.02 Specifications will include all information not shown on the drawings needed to describe the quality of construction materials, the operating characteristics of mechanical equipment, the standards of workmanship, the fabrication of the project, and the testing requirements for new construction.
002.03 Where construction on existing wastewater works will occur, the specifications will describe the steps that the contractor will follow to maintain operation of the wastewater works during construction.
003 Standard Specifications and Plate Drawings.
003.01 Municipalities and engineering firms may reference standard specifications and plate drawings for the design of sanitary sewers. Municipalities or engineering firms that intend to use standard specifications and plate drawings will submit copies to the Department for review and receive a notice of approval prior to using them for actual projects.
003.02 Where standard specifications and plate drawings are used, the construction plans or bidding documents will contain a statement that all construction will be in accordance with the standard specifications, as adopted or revised on a certain date. No additional submittal of specifications will normally be required, although special supplements to the standard specifications may be required for specific projects.
003.03 Standard specifications and standard plate drawings will be properly signed and sealed by a professional engineer.
Enabling Legislation: Neb. Rev. Stat. ยง81-1504(10)
Legal Citation: Title 123, Ch. 8, Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy