001 To apply for a construction permit, the following items will be submitted to the Department for review:
001.01 For a new or modified wastewater treatment facility:
001.01A A facility plan or engineering report. (See Chapter 7, 006)
001.01B A construction permit application form, provided by the Department (see Appendix A). This form is not required if the same information is provided in other submittals.
001.01C The construction plans and specifications. (See Chapter 8)
001.01D Other information specified by the Department.
001.02 For wastewater collection systems:
001.02A A construction permit application form, provided by the Department (see Appendix A). This form is not required if the same information is provided in other submittals.
001.02B A calculation of the maximum design flow at impact points for the proposed sewer. This flow calculation does not need to be submitted for six-inch or eight-inch sewers where the maximum flow is less than 50% of the capacity of the sewer.
001.02C An engineering report is required for satellite lift stations with design average daily flows above 100,000 gallons per day.
001.02D The following statement, signed by a professional engineer, or an explanation from the professional engineer stating why the statement cannot be signed. This statement may be signed on the construction permit application form.
I have reviewed the available design data, flow records, and compliance history of the receiving WWTF. In my professional judgment, the WWTF has the hydraulic and treatment capacity to receive the additional wastewater from this sewer addition and remain in compliance with applicable Department regulations.
001.02E The construction plans and specifications. (See Chapter 8)
001.02F Other information specified by the Department.
002 Facility Plans, engineering reports, plans, and specifications for wastewater works will be prepared by professional engineers registered to practice in the State of Nebraska and be properly sealed, signed and dated. Facility plans for WWTF will be submitted to the Department for review at least 60 days prior to the initiation of design work.
003 The Department will only approve the final construction documents. Plans and specifications marked ‘preliminary’, ‘for review only’, or containing similar statements will not be approved.
004 A minimum of two sets of plans and specifications are to be submitted to the Department for review and approval. One set of the documents will be kept for the Department’s records. All other copies will be returned to the person who submitted them with the Department’s action indicated on them. At least one set of plans will not have been reduced and will show the drawings at full scale.
005 An operation and maintenance manual (O&M manual) will be prepared for all wastewater treatment facilities and satellite lift stations, unless exempted by the Department. Where a sanitary sewer system contains multiple lift stations, a single operation and maintenance manual may be kept for all lift stations in the system and revised to include information on new facilities as needed. For upgrades to WWTF, an existing O&M manual may be modified to describe the upgraded facility. New or revised O&M manuals will be submitted for the Department’s records within 90 days after the completion of construction. O&M manuals will include the following:
005.01 A description of the facility, with site drawings, flow diagrams, tables of treatment and flow capacities, locations of controls, and other information as applicable.
005.02 Copies of regulatory requirements and permits held by the facility, including NPDES permit, Nebraska Pretreatment Program permit, bypass reporting requirements, local sewer use ordinances, ground water monitoring requirements, and other similar information.
005.03 A listing of record keeping requirements and copies of record keeping forms, including discharge monitoring report forms, non-compliance report forms, daily flow log forms, ground water monitoring forms, equipment maintenance forms, and other similar forms.
005.04 Technical discussions on the operation of each control structure, lift station, and treatment unit, the discharge of wastewater effluent, and the proper disposal of grease, screenings, grit, and sludge will be included. Start-up, unit bypass, and shut-down procedures, normal and emergency operating methods, and the correction of common problems will be explained.
005.05 A description of the electric, gas, water, and telecommunications utilities serving the facility, including utility contact information.
005.06 The manufacturer’s literature and maintenance requirements for all mechanical and electrical equipment.
005.07 A discussion on environmental, health, and safety issues surrounding the facility, with a list of emergency phone numbers.
005.08 A discussion on laboratory tests necessary to operate treatment facilities and a list of the lab records that will be kept.
005.09 A complete maintenance schedule.
006 A facility plan or engineering report will contain the detailed planning information that is necessary to evaluate the engineer’s recommendation. Facility plans will include the following:
006.01 A description of existing facilities, the existing service area and population, the current average and peak wastewater flows, a description of the wastewater characteristics, an infiltration and inflow analysis, a summary of commercial and industrial wastewater contributors, a description of existing treatment units and their condition, a review of historical problems and non-compliance events, and the reasons for considering the proposed project.
006.02 Maps showing the location of the existing WWTF and areas available for expansion are to be included. Floodplains, wetland areas, existing housing, depth to ground water, and the location of wells and water utility structures are to be shown.
006.03 The future service area, design population, design flow, and pollutant loading for the projected design life of treatment facilities.
006.04 A description of regulatory requirements that pertain to the wastewater works, including present and proposed draft NPDES permit limits, best management practices, sludge disposal requirements, and the name of the receiving stream.
006.05 A comparison of alternatives that can meet the present and future regulatory requirements will be included. Alternatives are to be ranked for treatment effectiveness, energy efficiency, land requirements, capital and operational costs, ease and flexibility of operation, reliability, environmental impacts, and owner preferences, as applicable.
007 The plans and specifications for design build projects may be submitted to the Department for review and approval in separate phases only if the Department has reviewed and approved a comprehensive wastewater plan prior to submittal of plans and specifications.
008 Projects receiving funding from the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Construction Loan Fund may need to submit additional information and complete other requirements. Refer to Title 131, Rules and Regulations for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Drinking Water Construction Assistance Programs.
Enabling Legislation: Neb. Rev. Stat. §81-1504(10), 81-1504(30), 81-1505(8)
Legal Citation: Title 123, Ch.7, Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy