Nebraska Administrative Code
Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy

Title 195 - Chemigation Regulations
Chapter 2 - District Responsibilities
Effective Date of Last Revision: April 19, 2020

001 Fees. The district will forward the fees for the first half of the calendar year to the Department by September 1 of the calendar year and the fees for the last half of the calendar year by March 1 of the following year.

002 Annual Reports. The district will submit its annual report to the Department by March 1 of each year. In addition to the statutory requirements, the report will include:

002.01 The number of chemigation system inspections made by the district at each permitted injection site and whether the inspections were initial inspections, for equipment replacement or repair, or routine monitoring; and

002.02 The name of all chemicals and estimated amounts used in chemigation systems within the district the previous year.

003 Retention. The district is to maintain each application or the information contained in the application for a period of five years and will provide such information to the Department upon request.

004 Special Permits. The district will provide the following information, at a minimum, to the Department when seeking a determination on a special permit as set forth in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 46-1117.01:

004.01 Name, address and telephone number of the applicant.

004.02 Legal description of the system location.

004.03 U.S. Geological survey map showing the system layout topographically with the location and elevation of existing equipment and injection location indicated.

004.04 Location, nominal diameter and length of all pipe in the irrigation distribution system.

005 Equipment. If the district finds that replaced or altered equipment does not comply with the standards set forth in this Title, the permit is to be suspended until compliance is demonstrated and approval for operation is given by the district.

Enabling Legislation: Neb. Rev. Stat. § 46-1136