Focus On Air
Opportunity for Nebraska: Reducing Emissions and Decarbonization
SizeFile Name
254 KB ONE_RED_Fact_Sheet.pdf
768 KB NDEE_CPRG_Workplan_Complete.pdf
2,272 KB NE_CPRG_Kickoff_Webinar.pdf
177 KB CPRG_Fact_Sheet_2023-11-16.pdf
796 KB CPRG_Stakeholder_Info.pdf
133 KB CPRG_Draft_Priority_Measures_2024-01-11.pdf
10,615 KB CPRG Public Meeting Posters.pdf
4,207 KB Nebraska_Priority_Climate_Action_Plan.pdf
187 KB Nebraska_CPRG_Implementation_Grant_cover_page.pdf

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has received a $3 million Climate Pollution Reduction Grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to develop Nebraska’s first state-wide climate action plans to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other harmful air pollutants in the state.

Through this award, NDEE has developed a Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) to identify high-impact, readily-implemented actions to begin reducing GHG emissions, focusing on voluntary actions and financial incentives. This plan is available for download from the list at the top of this page. In developing the PCAP, NDEE has consulted with subject matter experts across all economic sectors including universities, other state agencies, local governments, nonprofits, utilities, industries, and private citizens across the state. Completion of this plan allowed the state to submit an implementation grant application on March 29, 2024, and compete for federal grant funding to implement selected measures identified in the plan. The implementation grant application cover page is available for download from the list at the top of this page. These funds would spur investment in Nebraska communities to reduce air pollution, stimulate economic growth, create high-quality jobs, and enhance the quality of life for all Nebraskans.

In the next phase of this planning program, NDEE will develop a Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) due by August of 2025. The CCAP is required to explore both short-term and long-term GHG emission reduction measures across all sectors of the economy. The plan will also assess potential benefits statewide including low-income and disadvantaged communities, and analyze workforce needs arising from the specified actions.

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy is committed to an open, transparent, and inclusive engagement process for these planning activities. Over the next two years the Department will continue to undertake extensive outreach to stakeholder groups and the public for ideas and comments. NDEE invites stakeholders to join one or more sector-based workgroups to discuss potential GHG emission reduction measures and propose measures. The workgroup list includes:

· Agriculture / Natural and Working Lands

· Energy Production

· Transportation

· Buildings, Housing, and Communities

· Energy-Intensive Industries / Waste Management

If you or an organization you represent are interested in joining a stakeholder workgroup to assist with climate pollution reduction planning, please contact the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) at the mail or e-mail addresses below.

Previous Online Outreach
NDEE presented a kickoff public webinar on the program in October 2023, held online stakeholder outreach sessions in November and December 2023, and in-person public meetings in January and February 2024. Information on those events and session materials are available here.

Written comments
Written comments regarding Climate Pollution Reduction Planning may be submitted to the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) at the mail or e-mail addresses below.

Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy
Attn: Randy Smith – Waste and Air Grant Section
PO Box 98922
Lincoln, NE 68509



Join the Opportunity for Nebraska: Reducing Emissions and Decarbonization (ONERED) Listserv

The ONERED “listserv” is a list of e-mail contacts who have subscribed to receive information from NDEE concerning the ONERED planning activities and events. Stakeholders and members of the public are welcome to sign up for the listserv by following the instructions below.

How to Subscribe to the Opportunity for Nebraska: Reducing Emissions and Decarbonization (ONERED) Listserv

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Example: Subscribe NDEE-ONERED John Smith

You will receive an e-mail requesting you to confirm your request. When you confirm by clicking the link, you will be added to the listserv.

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