Institutional Controls Tracking System

Facility Name: Blair FMGP Zip Code: 68008
City: Blair County: Washington

Geographic Area: Lots 5 and 6 in Block 82, Third Addition to the city of Blair, except railroad right-of-way, Washington County, Nebraska
Latitude: 41.54171 Address: 1061 Grant St.
Longitude: -96.13112
Category: Proprietary Media: GroundWater,Soil
Type: Restrictive Covenant - UECA
Text: a. The property shall not be used for residential purposes, including child care facilities b. Extraction and use of the groundwater underlying the property, except for investigation or remediation approved by NDEQ, is prohibited c. Except where excavation is necessary to prevent or address a previously unknown threat to human health or the environment, including without limitation a natural gas pipeline leak, excavation activities at the property that affect impacted groundwater are prohibited unless an Occupational Health and Safety Administration-compliant health and safety plan is developed and implemented
Compliance Reporting: Then-current fee simple owner shall submit written notification of compliance with activity and use limitations one year from the effective date of the Environmental Covenant and each year thereafter
Restrictions: Limit future land use Prohibit groundwater well installation/construction, except investigation/remediation wells Prohibit soil disturbance or excavation except in compliance with excavation management plan
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437 KB Blair FMGP Covenant.pdf