Institutional Controls Tracking System

Facility Name: Cotswold Management, LLC Zip Code: 68508
City: Lincoln County: Lancaster

Geographic Area: Lot One (1), West Hatmarket 4th Addition. See Exhibit A in attachment.
Latitude: 40.811286 Address: 311 South 7th Street
Longitude: -96.712131
Category: Proprietary Media: GroundWater,Soil
Type: Restrictive Covenant - UECA
Text: The Property is subject to the following activity and use limitations: (a) The Property shall not be used for residential purposes, childcare facilities, school use, or any land use where persons can be expected to reside. (b) The groundwater beneath the Property shall not be used as a potable water supply without the prior written approval by NDEE. (c) Contact with underlying contamianted soil shall be prevented by inspecting and maintaining all hard surface covers (including, but not limited to a building slab, sidewalk, walkway, patio, parking lot, street, or dirveway) and the minimum 12-inch-thick soil cover in unpaved areas. Inspection and maintenance schedule and procedures shall be conducted in accordance with the Materials Management Plan, NDEE document ID 20220155989, received by the NDEE on June 1, 2022, or any approved amendments. (d) Any ground intrusive work (including, but not limited to excavation, digging and drilling) is prohibited unless conducted in accordance with the Materials Management Plan, NDEE document ID 20220155989, received by the NDEE on June 1, 2022, or any approved amendments.
Compliance Reporting: Annually by the then-current fee simple owner.
Restrictions: Restrict land use. Prohibit groundwater use. Maintain surface covers. Adhere to Materials Management Plan.