Focus On Water
2023 Source Water Protection Grant Project Descriptions

Malcolm– 2023-135563383

Malcolm Aquifer Analysis

The Village of Malcolm plans to conduct an extensive aquifer analysis project that will include an aquifer pumping test, aquifer analysis report, development of a WHP Plan for Malcolm, purchasing and distributing water conservation tools, education and outreach with the community, and identification of potential areas for additional future wells.

Newman Grove – 2023-135563401

Raising Awareness to Rising Nitrate Levels in Our Water

The City of Newman Grove has multiple objectives, all intended to meet the goal of educating the City Board, staff, and the public on the vulnerability of the water system to nitrate and establishing a state approved WHP Plan. The City will complete an aquifer analysis report, collect groundwater samples, create a flow model to provide a refined WHP Area, develop a WHP Plan, expand the NRD’s risk tool, locate and decommission at least 6 abandoned wells, and conduct an education and outreach campaign on source water protection.

Platte Center – 2023-135563433

Planning to Protect Drinking Water for the Future

Platte Center has multiple objectives, all intended to meet the goal of educating the Village Board, staff, and the public on the vulnerability of the water system to nitrate and establishing a state approved WHP Plan. The village plans to complete an aquifer analysis report, collect groundwater samples, create a flow model to provide a refined WHP Area, develop a WHP Plan, expand the NRD’s risk tool, locate and decommission at least 6 abandoned wells, and conduct an education and outreach campaign on source water protection.

Tecumseh – 2023-135563328

Groundwater Model & WHP Plan for Tecumseh, NE

The primary focus of this project is to better understand the aquifer from which Tecumseh pumps their drinking water. Tecumseh will use SWPG funds to develop a groundwater model of the Tecumseh wellfield and surrounding area, develop a WHP Plan for Tecumseh, adopt the WHP Plan, engage and educate the community on the quality/quantity of their drinking water and how they can contribute to sustainability, and identify potential areas for additional future wells