Air Construction Permit ProgramFor new or modified construction of air contaminant sources or emission units
Air Operating Permit ProgramEstablished for the operation of sources of certain air pollutants
Integrated Waste ManagementSolid waste management typically collected and disposed in municipal landfills and other non-hazardous waste
Integrated Waste Management Permit Programs
Livestock Waste Control ProgramFor construction, operation, and maintenance of livestock waste control facilities and management of livestock waste at animal feeding operations
Mineral ExplorationFor holes drilled, driven, bored or dug for the purpose of mineral exploration
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System - NPDES ProgramRegarding discharges from municipal, commercial and industrial wastewater discharges; municipal combined sanitary and storm sewer overflows; and industrial and municipal storm water discharges
On-Site (Septic and Private Lagoons) Wastewater TreatmentOn-site systems of septic tanks and complete retention lagoons
Pretreatment of WastewaterIndustrial discharges to public wastewater treatment systems
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)Hazardous Waste treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facilities - operation and post-closure
Underground Injection Control (UIC)For wells used to inject fluids into the subsurface
Wastewater Engineering ManagementFor construction of municipal, industrial, and commercial wastewater treatment facilities and sanitary sewer lines
Waste Tire Hauler PermitsAny person, business, or other entity engaged in the business of picking up, hauling, and transporting waste tires for accumulation, processing, or recycling shall obtain a permit from the Department.