RCRA Subtitle C Site Reporting Form (8700-12)
This information is provided by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy   
to assist the public and regulated community.

Form #:   WAS035
Applications and Forms
Revised: 1/24/24

Title 128 – Nebraska Hazardous Waste Regulations requires any person generating or transporting hazardous waste subject to regulation or any person who owns or operates a facility for the treatment, storage or disposal of regulated hazardous waste to notify the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) of their activities. Required information must be submitted by completing a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle C Site Identification Form [EPA Form 8700-12].

There are two options for notifying the NDEE of your regulated waste activity using the Site ID form - electronic and paper-based.

Electronic (online)

Requests for new NDEE/EPA ID numbers and subsequent notifications updating site identification information can now be submitted online using myRCRAid, a component of the RCRAInfo Industry Application developed by the EPA. Advantages to submitting a notification electronically include a quicker turnaround by avoiding paper forms and the mailing process; fewer errors due to edit checks; and prompt acknowledgement upon completion of processing. The NDEE encourages companies with numerous locations to use myRCRAid to lessen the paper burden of completing and processing paper forms. The Department also recommends electronic notification for facilities that expect to submit multiple forms over time. The most recent record is pre-populated into the data entry screen for you to update as necessary.

To submit notifications electronically, you will need to set up a user account. The NDEE recommends the person certifying the information is true, accurate and complete register the account. If you are preparing the Site ID form only, the “Certifier” will also need to set up a user account. To register for an account, go to https://rcrainfo.epa.gov*, click “Register” and select “Industry User”. You will then be prompted for additional user information to complete the registration process. Once you are registered, you can either request a NDEE/EPA ID number for your facility (“Request Site ID”) or update site identification information for a facility with an existing NDEE/EPA ID number (“Add Existing Site”). Once you have found and selected your sites of interest, you will be asked to request permissions for those sites. There are four levels of permission that you may request: None; Viewer; Preparer; and Certifier. You cannot act upon these sites until the permissions have been granted.

Users who have the “Certifier” permission for at least one site or are requesting a new NDEE/EPA ID number must also obtain an Electronic Signature Agreement. This is a one-time real time identity proofing process that allows for the immediate ability to sign and submit data. A paper identity proofing process is also available, but may take longer for approval. If you are a consultant and/or other representative completing the form on behalf of a client, the NDEE requires submittal of written verification from the client delegating responsibility as an authorized representative for purposes of certification.

A User’s Guide to assist with completion of the Site ID form is available within the application by clicking “Documentation” from the main navigation bar and selecting “Help”. The advantages of submitting a notification electronically and a quick reference guide for setting up a user account are also described in the myRCRAid Fact Sheet.

Paper-based (Fillable PDF)

The RCRA Subtitle C reporting forms are screen fillable. To complete the form on-screen, you must have either the full Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher. Use the tab key to move between entries. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can only fill-out and print the form within your web browser. You cannot save the form. If you have the full Adobe Acrobat, however, you can both fill-out and save the Site ID Form.

The RCRA Subtitle C Reporting Instructions and Forms will help you determine if you are subject to the requirements under RCRA for notifying the NDEE of your regulated hazardous waste activities and includes: a section with definitions for common RCRA terms; reference information identifying excluded materials and wastes; and a complete listing of all U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Hazardous Waste Codes. Information provided in the instructions will also assist you in completing and submitting the RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification Form for obtaining a DEE/EPA Identification Number or updating site identification information for your facility. If you are managing hazardous secondary materials under conditional exclusions from the hazardous waste regulations, you must also notify the NDEE using the RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification Form and the Addendum to the Site Identification Form: Notification of Hazardous Secondary Material Activity.

Pursuant to Title 128, you must file an amended notification no later than thirty days after a change in the facility information or status of any person. Changes requiring re-notification include facility name; mailing address; contact person; owner or operator; as well as changes in your hazardous waste activities occurring at the site such as generator status. Changes in hazardous waste codes are not subject to the re-notification requirement.

* This Page contains links to Non-NDEE websites, these links will open in a New Tab or Window