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NDEE Presents Proposed Changes to Title 124 Onsite Wastewater Regulations

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy will present Proposed Changes to Title 124, Rules and Regulations for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems webinar on Friday, March 5, 2021, at 9 a.m. This webinar is intended for installers, inspectors, pumpers and engineers of onsite wastewater systems, and homeowners or industrial facilities who utilize an onsite wastewater system for treatment and disposal of wastewater. The free seminar is open to the general public.

WHAT: Proposed Changes to Title 124
WHEN: 9 - 10:30 a.m., Friday, March 5, 2021
WHO: Tom Buell, Section Supervisor, Onsite Wastewater Section

Registration instructions are provided at the bottom of this page.

About the webinar: The presentation will give an overview of proposed revisions to Nebraska Administrative Code Title 124 – Rules and Regulations for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems. The proposed revisions implement Executive Order No. 17-04 on Regulatory Reform, streamline and clarify existing provisions, and adopt changes to state and federal law.

This event also provides public outreach on a preliminary draft of Title 124. Once finalized, the regulations will be placed on public notice for a hearing before the Environmental Quality Council.

Regulatory streamlining and language modernization revisions have been proposed for all chapters. The most notable proposed change is moving design requirements out of regulation and into general permits. For example, initially there would be a general permit for each (1) traditional systems, (2) lagoons, (3) holding tanks and (4) permitted systems, and additional permits for other types of systems could be added at a later date. This has been done in other regulatory programs and enables the Agency to more quickly adapt to changes in the industry and emerging technologies by issuing general permits that are subject to public review and comment.

About the presenter: Tom Buell is the Section Supervisor for the Onsite Section. Buell holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Natural Resource and Environmental Economics and a Master of Science in Natural Resources, both from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He joined NDEE in 2008, first in the Remediation Section as a groundwater geologist, then as the Unit Supervisor of the Voluntary Cleanup and Superfund Programs. In 2018 Buell became the Section Supervisor of the Wastewater Onsite Section, which oversees onsite wastewater, wastewater operator certification, and all of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) sanitation programs via a memorandum of agreement with DHHS.

The webinar moderator is Belinda Fowler, NDEE Small Business Environmental Assistance Coordinator.

To register:

1. Go to NDEE Proposed T124 Changes to Onsite Wastewater Regulations
2. Click "Register.”
3. On the registration form, enter your information and then click "Submit.”

Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email message with instructions on how to join the event. For assistance, contact ndee.assistance@nebraska.gov.