Consultant to Assist NDEQ in Solid Waste Management Study
April 21, 2017 -- The Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality has entered into a contract with Engineering Solutions and Design, Inc (ESD) to perform a study to modernize NDEQ’s solid waste management programs. The study is required by LB 1101, which was signed by Governor Rickets on April 7, 2016.
LB 1101 calls for a study that will examine the status of solid waste management programs operated by NDEQ, to help the agency evaluate ways to modernize and potentially revise those programs. NDEQ will continue to work with a nine-member advisory committee and ESD to complete the report over the next eight months. NDEQ is seeking input from those involved in waste management and from the general public on our waste management programs and systems. For more information, go to NDEQ’s Solid Waste Management Study web page at
Through the combined efforts of the advisory committee, public involvement, and ESD’s assistance, NDEQ intends to have a draft report available for public review by October, 2017, and will subsequently hold public meetings to invite comment on the draft. NDEQ will then prepare related recommendations and submit them to the Nebraska Legislature by December 15, 2017.
Comments can be submitted electronically at NDEQ’s LB1101 Comments Page.