NPDES Permit Authorizing Dewatering Discharges Within the City of Omaha
This information is provided by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy to assist the public and regulated community.
Form #: WAT181 General Permit Revised: 12/27/16
SizeFile Name
546 KB NEG673000-2017.pdf
102 KB NEG673000fact2017.pdf

A General NPDES Permit Authorizing Dewatering Discharges from Contaminated Sites within The City of Omaha, Nebraska

Note: Effective Oct. 1, 2009, any individual submitting any application or form that would derive public benefit from the state must also fill out a United States Citizenship Attestation form. This applies to individuals submitting the forms on their own behalf. If applicable, please fill out the United States Citizenship Attestation form below and submit it with the relevant applications and forms.

United States Citizenship Attestation Form

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