2012/02 February Onsite Wastewater Unit Newsletter
This information is provided by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy to assist the public and regulated community.
Form #: WAT197 Newsletter Revised: 2/1/12
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81 KB 2012 February v2.pdf

Onsite Unit, Wastewater Section, Water Quality Division

Suite 400, The Atrium, 1200 N Street,
PO Box 98922
Lincoln NE 68509-8922
Phone (402) 471-4285 - Fax (402) 471-2909
Web Site:-
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Onsite Program email:

Proposed Changes to Title 124

The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) has proposed changes to Title 124 – Rules and Regulations for the Design, Operation and Maintenance of On-site Wastewater Systems. The public hearing before the Environmental Quality Council (EQC) is scheduled at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 1040 P St., Lincoln, Nebraska, beginning at 9:00 A.M. Central Time (CT) on Thursday, March 15, 2012. The proposed changes include:
  • New Mound System Endorsement for Master Installers who must pass an endorsement examination;
  • New minimum design criteria for endorsed mound system design;
  • New late renewal process with a $50 late renewal penalty and 60 day window to allow late renewal once a certificate has expired; and
  • Allow qualified independent study programs for required continuing education.
No changes are proposed to the existing fees for initial certification, certificate renewal, examination, system registration, or late system registration. To view the proposed changes to Title 124 as well as the EQC agenda and public notice, go to - http://dee.ne.gov/" then from the tabs on the left selectEnvironmental Quality Council” then hit the dropdown arrow byAgenda & Public Notice For Next Scheduled Meeting” then select “March 15, 2012”. The Department welcomes your comments on these proposed changes.

Advisory Committee Volunteers Still Needed!

Two onsite certified professionals are needed to fill open positions on the Onsite Wastewater Advisory Committee. This is your opportunity to be a voice in the regulations that directly affect the onsite profession. If you or someone else is interested, or if you know someone that might be willing to serve, please contact us.

System Modifications

When a Title 124 permit is required and the Department approves a design and issues a construction permit, that onsite wastewater treatment system must be constructed according to the Department approved design. There have been several instances where changes or modifications have been made during construction. Prior approval is required from the NDEE once the construction permit has been issued. The owner, Installer and Engineer should work together if any changes are needed or desired, and the engineer must then submit those proposed design changes. The Department will then review and either approve or disapprove the proposed changes. A major or significant change in or modification to an already approved design may require submission of a new permit application. It is a violation of the regulations and state statute to make changes without Department approval. Significant modifications include, but are not limited to: changes or additions to parts of the system; changes in wastewater characteristics (quality or quantity); and changes to system design or layout. If you are the Installer on a construction permit project, please review the approved documents with the owner and consulting engineer before construction begins and proceed accordingly.

Shell Creek Watershed Cost Share

The Shell Creek Watershed Improvement Group is offering its final year of cost share assistance to landowners who want to make land and water conservation improvements. Septic system inspections and upgrades qualify for cost share. The Shell Creek Watershed includes parts of Boone, Madison, Platte and Colfax Counties. If you are aware of, or are working on systems for landowners that might qualify for cost share, please contact Eric Smith, NRCS Shell Creek Coordinator, at 402-564-0506 in Columbus or Rod Wilke, UNL Extension, at 402-370-4074 for more information.

2012 Onsite Certification Exams

Onsite Certification Exams have been scheduled for the following dates/locations. Pre Registration is required – no walk-ins are allowed. To register, submit an application for certification by exam (Form D) with the certification fee, an application for examination (Form H) with the examination fee and the citizenship attestation form, if appropriate. All applications received less than five (5) days prior to a scheduled exam date may be held for the next scheduled exam.

February 23, 2012/Blair, NE
March 15, 2012/North Platte, NE
April 18, 2012/Norfolk, NE
May 17, 2012/Holdrege, NE
June 14, 2012/Lincoln, NE
August 9, 2012/North Platte, NE
September 12, 2012/Norfolk, NE
October 18, 2012/Holdrege, NE
November 8, 2012/Lincoln, NE